News - Opening Today — Almeida & Dale Presents Three Artists at SP-Arte Rotas Brasileiras 2024 | Almeida & Dale

Opening Today — Almeida & Dale Presents Three Artists at SP-Arte Rotas Brasileiras 2024


Today marks the beginning of SP—Arte Rotas Brasileiras 2024. Almeida & Dale showcases a curated selection of works by three artists: Antonio Dias, Emmanuel Nassar, and Miriam Inez da Silva.  

Antonio Dias (Campina Grande, PB, 1944 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 2018) was an artist who, over more than five decades, consistently developed a body of work marked by radicalism, experimentation, and a keen perception of the artistic dilemmas of his time. His works are present in Brazilian and international collections, including MoMA and MALBA.  

Emmanuel Nassar (Capanema, PA, 1949) uses signs and materials that are part of the imagery of everyday life and  manual labor, to tension elements of pop and constructive art, evoking precariousness and improvisation. His works are part of important collections such as the Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Collection and MASP.

Miriam Inez da Silva (Trindade, GO, 1937 – Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 1996) began her career in woodcut printmaking but is best known for her oil paintings on wood, which depict human and animal figures in dreamlike scenes inspired by cordel literature and ex-votos [votice objects]. Her works are part of institutional collectionssuch as MASP and Pinacoteca de São Paulo.

SP-Arte Rotas Brasileiras 
Booth C01 
Av. Manuel Bandeira, 360 - Vila Leopoldina, São Paulo - SP     

August 28th: invite-only   
August 29th, 30th, and 31st: from 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM   
September 1st: from 12:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Almeida & Dale's booth at SP—Arte Rotas Brasileiras | Photo: Filipe Berndt

Almeida & Dale
Rua Caconde, 152
São Paulo - SP

Monday to friday from 10am to 6pm
Saturday 11am to 4pm
Closed on holidays
+55 11 3882 7120

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