News - Joseca Mokahesi Yanomami is featured in "Temporal Landscapes: Evolving Perspectives" | Almeida & Dale

Joseca Mokahesi Yanomami is featured in "Temporal Landscapes: Evolving Perspectives"


With works that visually narrate  narrate the cosmology of the Yanomami people, Joseca Mokahesi Yanomami is featured in the exhibition Temporal Landscapes: Evolving Perspectives, on view at Almeida & Dale through February 2025. 

Joseca, son of a shaman and resident of the Buriti community within Yanomami Indigenous Territory, held his first solo exhibition at the Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP) in 2022. Through his drawings, the artist records the ancestral knowledge of his people, bridging this cultural heritage both with his community and with non-Indigenous audiences. Shamanic rituals, which sustain communication between humans and the “xapiri” (spirits), are central themes in his work. As the artist explains, “I draw everything the shamans describe: the spirits, their ornaments, their paths, the places they descend, and in this way, I draw the words of the spirits that I hear in our home.” 

His works have also been selected for the 38th Panorama da Arte Brasileira, organized by the Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo (MAM SP) and for the 60th Venice Biennale, Foreigners Everywhere, in Italy.


Temporal Landscapes: Evolving Perspectives
Curated by María Inés Rodríguez
October 26th,2024 to February 28th, 2025
Almeida & Dale
Rua Caconde, 152 - Jd. Paulista

Joseca Mokahesi Yanomami, Jovem se tornando xamã na floresta. Quando um jovem tem o interior de seu corpo muito limpo e quando este jovem sai para caçar na floresta, todos os animais de caça lhe assustam, assim como as árvores, os macacos, as mulheres da floresta, os cupinzeiros, todos os animais lhe metem medo. Então ele volta muito alterado e mais tarde irá se tornar de fato um xamã. Nós, Yanomami, somos assim, e portanto não querem sentir o cheiros de perfumes fortes, eles apenas querem sentir o perfume das flores e da floresta, 2024 (Artwork detail)

Rua Caconde, 152. São Paulo - SP
CEP 01425-010
Monday to friday from 10am to 6pm
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