News - Almeida & Dale Highlights Antonio Dias, Emmanuel Nassar, and Miriam Inez da Silva at Rotas Brasileiras 2024 | Almeida & Dale

Almeida & Dale Highlights Antonio Dias, Emmanuel Nassar, and Miriam Inez da Silva at Rotas Brasileiras 2024


At the 2024 edition of Rotas Brasileiras, taking place from August 28th to September 1st, Almeida & Dale presents a curatorial selection that delves into the poetics of three iconic artists from the Brazilian art scene: Antonio Dias, Emmanuel Nassar, and Miriam Inez da Silva. 

Antonio Dias, born in Paraíba, explores the Brazilian socio-political context through a visual language marked by irony and critical commentary. His work crosses various media, consistently engaging in dialogue with contemporary and historical issues.  

Emmanuel Nassar, from Pará, blends elements of popular culture and everyday life with the sophistication of contemporary art. His works create tension between pop and constructivist art elements, highlighting themes of precariousness and improvisation, inherent to his aesthetic. 

Miriam Inez da Silva, born in Goiás and based in Rio de Janeiro, is dedicated to painting with a mix of references from cordel literature, ex-votos, and mass culture. Her figurative compositions—enigmatic and dreamlike—are characterized by the use of vibrant colors and the frontal representation of characters. 

This selection made for Rotas Brasileiras seeks to provoke new interpretations of these artists' works, connecting the critical nature of their conceptual approaches and emphasizing how their productions are informed by Brazilian popular culture. 


Rotas Brasileiras   
Booth C01   
August 28th–September 1st   
ARCA, Vila Leopoldina, São Paulo/SP 

Almeida & Dale
Rua Caconde, 152
São Paulo - SP

Monday to friday from 10am to 6pm
Saturday 11am to 4pm
Closed on holidays
+55 11 3882 7120

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